Exploring the Socio-Economic Landscape of Handloom Workers in India: A comparative Study of the 3rd and 4th Handloom Census Reports.

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Devbrath, Kriti Bhaswar Singh


The handloom sector is one of the largest unorganised sectors after agriculture, with advantages such as less capital, minimal power consumption. At the same time, this sector faces multiple challenges, mostly marketing, infrastructure, and financial challenges. This study examines the socio-economic conditions of handloom workers in India, focusing on data from the 3rd and 4th Handloom Census reports. It highlights shifts in gender distribution, educational attainment, religious affiliation, social group representation, and dwelling unit characteristics. The findings reveal income disparities, particularly among low-income households, and significant improvements in the financial situation among handloom workers. The increasing prevalence of loom ownership indicates the sector's capacity for adaptation and expansion. The study emphasises the importance of gender inclusivity, educational enhancement, and financial support in the handloom industry, which can inform policymakers' decision-making processes. The study highlights the ever-changing socio-economic environment of a traditional craft relevance within India's cultural and economic legacy.

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How to Cite
Devbrath, Kriti Bhaswar Singh. (2024). Exploring the Socio-Economic Landscape of Handloom Workers in India: A comparative Study of the 3rd and 4th Handloom Census Reports. European Economic Letters (EEL), 14(1), 78–89. https://doi.org/10.52783/eel.v14i1.1000