Futuristic Tool for Pandemic Control Using AI In Ergonomics – A Typical Approach to Stay Safe

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Sunil Nayak, Tejas V. Shah, Deepali H. Shah


After pandemic intensity gets over, the people have started work from office. People now-a-days are moving freely after pandemic restriction blow off in certain parts of the world. However, there are still some basic standards of procedure that needs to be followed voluntarily as per government regulations imposed according to the number of cases in certain areas of world in which covid cases numbers are picking up as the new mutants are being identified amongst certain countries. Mostly the contagious transmission is spreading through touching the surface which is previously touched by the symptomatic person of COVID or to come across direct or indirect with the COVID affected person with or without masks. This paper demonstrated the design of helpful application using AI integration with ergonomics in effective way to cope up with wide spread of new mutants. It elaborates various cases of real-life situations which consist of people movement and their interaction with people and things around. It also demonstrates the useful features of object detection and activity classification using some sort of algorithms which gives overall monitoring of environment inside and outside workplaces. Number of actions which are suspicious in terms of spreading infection and awareness steps are also staked up in the paper.

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How to Cite
Sunil Nayak, Tejas V. Shah, Deepali H. Shah. (2024). Futuristic Tool for Pandemic Control Using AI In Ergonomics – A Typical Approach to Stay Safe. European Economic Letters (EEL), 14(1), 204–212. https://doi.org/10.52783/eel.v14i1.1016