Managing Digital Workplace in the Era of Hybrid Working Environment With Reference To Service Sector

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Prabakaran P, Aruna. V, C. Karpagham, Sundara Balamurugan P


The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has forced the world to change in so many unprecedented ways which has pushed organizations and managers to chalk out a way to manage their employees, get work done and maintain the productivity and profitability of the organization. This directed the organizations in exploring and implementing employee friendly flexible work plans that helps meet the rapidly changing environment. After a lot of analysis, organizations have realized that the hybrid model is here to stay which means organizations will have to reimagine their success strategies and will also have to change their entire structure of working starting from cultural aspects to leadership styles, workplace management, communication etc.

This research is an attempt to find how hybrid work has impacted aspects of workplace management and how digital workplace can be made as efficient as possible. Few factors that have been studied under workplace management are Infrastructure; where Organizations should ensure that employees working from home have the same or all the necessary infrastructure that an in-office employee is provided with, Communication and collaboration; where all employees should be brought to a common platform for communication ensuring that no matter where the employee works out of, everyone receives firsthand update information from the organization/ manager and also invest in collaboration tools that allows employees to work together in teams, giving opportunity for all employees to be heard in case of any ideas, suggestions or grievances, to receive all necessary communication on time and to combat proximity bias.

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How to Cite
Prabakaran P, Aruna. V, C. Karpagham, Sundara Balamurugan P. (2024). Managing Digital Workplace in the Era of Hybrid Working Environment With Reference To Service Sector. European Economic Letters (EEL), 14(1), 474–482.