Impact of Perceived Behaviour Control on Hedonic Values of E-Sports on Generation Z

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Joy Samuel Dhanraj. G, Samuel Prince T.J


The research aims to investigate how perceived behavior control (PBC) influences the hedonic values associated with e-sports among Generation Z, providing insights into the motivational factors driving their engagement in this digital activity.  This study utilized a non-probability sampling method, incorporating both convenience and snowball sampling techniques. The focus on the 14-27 age group aligns with their active participation in online games. Therefore, a sample size of 432 was collected for the study. This study finds that perceived behavior control such as gaming autonomy, competency, peer influence, and career opportunities have a significant influence on the hedonic value of e-sports on Generation Z

The study's limitations may include potential biases in self-reported data and the generalizability of findings across diverse cultural contexts. Additionally, longitudinal research could provide deeper insights into the evolving dynamics between perceived behavior control and hedonic values in e-sports among Generation Z. This study helps the gaming industry to understand this relationship, it seeks to contribute to a deeper comprehension of the psychological mechanisms underlying Generation Z's participation in e-sports, thus informing strategies for promoting positive engagement and well-being in this demographic. This helps educational institutions and policymakers contribute to fostering healthier attitudes towards digital activities, promoting responsible gaming behaviors, and enhancing overall well-being among Generation Z. This research sheds light on an underexplored aspect of e-sports engagement among Generation Z, uncovering the nuanced relationship between perceived behavior control and hedonic values.

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How to Cite
Joy Samuel Dhanraj. G, Samuel Prince T.J. (2024). Impact of Perceived Behaviour Control on Hedonic Values of E-Sports on Generation Z. European Economic Letters (EEL), 14(1), 696–706.