Exploring the Dynamics of Individual Investor Investment Patterns in Mumbai: A Comprehensive Analysis of Age, Occupation, Investment Opportunities, and Influencing Factors

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Sachin Vilas Acharekar, Yash Rajiv Shah, Swapnil Sahebrao Birari, Milind Ramchandra Saraf


This comprehensive study investigates into the investment patterns of individual investors in Mumbai, a crucial financial hub of India, against the backdrop of the globally recognized robustness of the Indian financial industry. The research explores the involved dynamics of financial decision-making, emphasizing the significance of individual savings and demographic traits in resource markets. The study employs a descriptive and explanatory research design, using a questionnaire to collect data from 105 respondents in Mumbai, with non-probability convenience sampling. Key findings include the prevalence of investments as a source of income, the popularity of safe investment options, openness to alternative investments, and varying levels of knowledge and emotional involvement in investment decisions. Hypothesis testing using the Chi-Square Test establishes significant correlations, particularly in areas such as age, occupation, awareness about investment opportunities, alternative investment avenues, and knowledge of potential returns and risks. The research contributes valuable insights for financial institutions, policymakers, and individuals seeking a deeper understanding of investment behaviours and preferences in Mumbai's diverse financial landscape. Overall, the study provides a comprehensive analysis of the complex factors influencing investment decisions, offering practical implications for various stakeholders in the financial industry.

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How to Cite
Sachin Vilas Acharekar, Yash Rajiv Shah, Swapnil Sahebrao Birari, Milind Ramchandra Saraf. (2024). Exploring the Dynamics of Individual Investor Investment Patterns in Mumbai: A Comprehensive Analysis of Age, Occupation, Investment Opportunities, and Influencing Factors. European Economic Letters (EEL), 14(1), 758–764. https://doi.org/10.52783/eel.v14i1.1096