Examining the Role of Gender in the Social Dynamics of Migration

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Kulbir Singh, Padma Mahadevan


This paper explores the intricate relationship between gender and the social dynamics of migration, highlighting the pivotal role gender plays in shaping migration experiences, decision-making processes, social networks, and outcomes. Through an examination of diverse cultural and socioeconomic contexts, the study delves into how migration both challenges and reinforces gender norms and inequalities, shedding light on the complex interplay of economic, social, and cultural forces that influence migratory patterns. Emphasizing the need for gender-sensitive policies, the analysis underscores the importance of considering gender intersectionality to effectively address the multifaceted aspects of migration management. By integrating theoretical insights with empirical findings, the paper aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the gendered dimensions of migration, advocating for approaches that promote equity and recognize the diverse experiences of migrants across different gender identities.

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How to Cite
Kulbir Singh, Padma Mahadevan. (2024). Examining the Role of Gender in the Social Dynamics of Migration. European Economic Letters (EEL), 14(1), 996–1007. https://doi.org/10.52783/eel.v14i1.1117