Exploring the Influence of Learning Management System Constructs on Student Satisfaction and Academic Performance.

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Ms. M. Felisiya, Dr .Geeta Kesavaraj


This study investigates the influence of learning management system (LMS) constructs on student satisfaction and academic performance within the context of Chennai city. The LMS constructs under examination include instructional quality, technology quality, course quality, and ease of use. Additionally, the study explores the relationship between student satisfaction with the LMS and their academic performance specifically in the educational institutions of Chennai city. The objectives are to assess the impact of LMS factors on student satisfaction and to examine how student satisfaction with the LMS correlates with academic performance in the unique urban environment of Chennai. Key findings reveal significant correlations between instructional quality, technology quality, course quality, ease of use, and student satisfaction with the LMS. Specifically, findings indicate that higher perceived instructional quality, better technology infrastructure, course design, and ease of navigation within the LMS positively impact student satisfaction. Furthermore, the study uncovers a strong positive relationship between student satisfaction with the LMS and academic performance.

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How to Cite
Dr .Geeta Kesavaraj, M. M. F. (2024). Exploring the Influence of Learning Management System Constructs on Student Satisfaction and Academic Performance. European Economic Letters (EEL), 14(1), 1963–1969. https://doi.org/10.52783/eel.v14i1.1127