An Analysis of The Constructs Influencing Public and Private Hospitals' Level of Service Quality: A Study in Context of Nepal

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Rashmi Kandu, Dr. Prabal Jyoti Jain, Dr. Indrajit Ghosal


This research study examines the significance of the data collected as well as the service quality provided by hospitals in Nepal through a systematic review and analysis of the literature. Given the swift growth of the healthcare sector in Nepal, evaluating the caliber of hospital services is essential. The project's objectives are to compile all of the available data, pinpoint knowledge gaps, and offer wise counsel to academics, policymakers, and medical professionals. Using pre-established keywords linked to Nepali hospital service quality, a comprehensive search was carried out across several electronic databases, including PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science. Studies released between January 2000 and April 2023 were taken into consideration.  The systematic review comprised thirteen studies in all, including both qualitative and quantitative research methods. The systematic study's findings brought to light several essential elements of high-quality services, including tangibles, assurance, responsiveness, empathy, infrastructure, and assurance. An exploratory factor analysis technique was used to identify the contributing factors that are primarily responsible for the disparities in services offered between public and private sector hospitals in Nepal, based on the 600 valid responses to the survey that was conducted among the general public regarding private and public hospitals.

Methods: To obtain an overall picture, a reliable data set was chosen from the sample data gathered from patient parties and administrative staffs throughout public and private sector hospitals using systematic statistical procedures.

Results: The study's findings contribute to our understanding of the standard of hospital treatment in Nepal and could eventually raise public and professional awareness of the disparity in quality between hospital care in Nepal.

Discussions: The impact of hospital services on the people who use them is determined in this study, and it is a major aspect in assessing the standard of healthcare provided by the various sectors.

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How to Cite
Dr. Indrajit Ghosal, R. K. D. P. J. J. (2024). An Analysis of The Constructs Influencing Public and Private Hospitals’ Level of Service Quality: A Study in Context of Nepal. European Economic Letters (EEL), 14(1), 2118–2126.