Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability in Romania's Higher Education

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Melinda Timea Fülöp, Nicolae Măgdaș, Teodora Odett Breaz


Corporate social responsibility is becoming increasingly indispensable in academia due to its influence on university competitiveness and sustainability. The role of digitization is to ensure that we reach the university's long-term sustainability through CSR. The future of CRS depends not least on future generations, which are increasingly facing the acceptance of new technologies. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the factors that influence the acceptance of technology by students in Romanian universities. The novelty of the study is the choice of a developing country. The results indicate that external factors do not influence perceived usefulness. Respectively, students consider that the perceived ease of use does not influence the behavior intention to use new technologies. Finally, we present the research's conclusions, limits, and perspectives on the acceptance of technologies to ensure sustainability and CSR in universities.

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How to Cite
Melinda Timea Fülöp, Nicolae Măgdaș, Teodora Odett Breaz. (2023). Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability in Romania’s Higher Education. European Economic Letters (EEL), 13(1), 31–42.