Disruptive Business Model in Logistics A Case Study on Unanu Technologies, Chennai

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Dr S Uma Mageswari


Disruptive technology is not only applicable for hardware or software, but the latest addition is logistics. The proposed case study will bring to light on how disruptive technology can change the outlook of logistics and supply chain management through UNANU, which can be considered as a blessing in disguise for the logistics industry. When the entire universe is going digital, so also is the dire need for logistics to go digital, which saves a lot of time and helps the service providers to make a good business. A detailed discussion will be conducted on UNANU, its model, U-DHAN, SWOT and the future ahead.

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How to Cite
Mageswari, D. S. U. (2024). Disruptive Business Model in Logistics A Case Study on Unanu Technologies, Chennai. European Economic Letters (EEL), 14(1), 1832–1839. https://doi.org/10.52783/eel.v14i1.1289