Barriers and Enablers in Integrating AI into Human Resource Management Strategies: Maximizing Human Capital

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Dr. U. Amaleshwari, R. Shanmugapriya


Artificial intelligence (AI) has shaken the foundation of modern workplaces like never before and has induced digitized workstyles within the organisation. These furtherance in technology are generating significant interest among stakeholders to embrace AI in human resource management (HRM). Research and Development teams, analysts and practitioners are keen to investigate the sequel of AI in HR and their collaboration with gadget applications involving machine language, Data-science, Blockchain and Big Data. This study investigates HRM specific factors that are imbibed towards adoption of AI in extended HR based digital platform adopting a qualitative research design with an abductive approach. This research also investigates key enablers like optimistic, enthusiastic, and collaborative employees, strong digital enabled leadership, reliable HR meta-data, specialized HR partners, and well-rounded accountable AI ethics. The study also examines barriers towards awareness in AI adoption: the inability to have a timely internal audit pulse check of employees, their ability of emotional decision making, ineffective agile digital experts as well as external HR partners. On summarising, this study also contributes theory by providing a model that influences AI adoption and proposes ascending in welcoming unified theory of acceptance and use of innovative technology in the context of AI adoption in HR upskilling and reskilling ecosystems eventually. The study also contributes the anecdotes of best-in-class industrial HR practices with secured digital policy formulation to reimagine cybermated workplaces cubical. Maximising the human capital in the digital era be obliged in harmonious conglomerative human–AI enterprise making workplaces an eminent future-ready in the wake of productive and massive successful digital disruptions with efficacy.


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How to Cite
R. Shanmugapriya, D. U. A. (2024). Barriers and Enablers in Integrating AI into Human Resource Management Strategies: Maximizing Human Capital. European Economic Letters (EEL), 14(1), 1862–1869.