The Effectiveness of Several Public Schemes Sponsored by The Government in Promoting Financial Inclusion Among Underprivileged Women in Rajasthan State

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Ramawatar Saini, Dr. Tanushree Sharma


This study examines a few government-sponsored public programmes that the Indian government has put into place with the goal of enhancing financial inclusion and empowerment among the state's impoverished women. These policies include PMJDY, Mudra Yojna, MNREGA, Stand up India KCC, and others. The sources of the literature were Google Scholar, Merald, Science Direct, and Scopus. Reviewing secondary data is also done from SLBC Rajasthan and RBI. According to our analysis, financial inclusion initiatives in Rajasthan have facilitated the opening of bank accounts and loan applications for women. But in order for women to become empowered, they must use these funds to create their own revenue. These programmes support women's socioeconomic advancement in the state as well.

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How to Cite
Dr. Tanushree Sharma, R. S. (2024). The Effectiveness of Several Public Schemes Sponsored by The Government in Promoting Financial Inclusion Among Underprivileged Women in Rajasthan State. European Economic Letters (EEL), 14(1), 1916–1924.