Comprehending and Analyzing the Elements that Play into Choosing a Business School

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Sheetal Mahendher, Anand Agrawal, Subham Mukherjee, Agnidipta Sarkar, Sanjeet, Leonard L


The question of how best to educate future business leaders is now trending all around the world. After finishing their undergraduate studies, 93% of students choose to pursue an MBA. This is because of the recent shift in the value placed on advanced degrees as a means of improving one's economic standing, social standing, etc. The excellence of B-schools relies on students and faculty alike having a firm grasps of the aspects that contribute to their success. If it is ignored, it could affect how many people get into the college and how well it works overall. It is believed that by doing this research, we can better appreciate the significance of the students to the continued success and development of the institution. The gap between student and faculty expectations is therefore closed.

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How to Cite
Sheetal Mahendher, Anand Agrawal, Subham Mukherjee, Agnidipta Sarkar, Sanjeet, Leonard L. (2024). Comprehending and Analyzing the Elements that Play into Choosing a Business School. European Economic Letters (EEL), 14(2), 380–385.