Digital Media Credibility Indicators: The Heuristic Approach to Understand the Technology Cues Using MAIN Model
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Social media credibility raises the perception towards trustworthiness, reliability, and accuracy of individuals, organizations, or shared the information on digital media platforms. Developing and preserving the credibility is critical for developing an optimistic influence in online and fetching with users efficiently. In general, predominantly digital media platforms are interlinked with dynamic nature so in that concern sustaining the credibility is foundation of significance online presence. Digital media platforms have emerged as most inevitable arenas were individual to organizations
Digital media credibility is how the evaluation of the trustworthiness and accuracy are received from end users’ perception. It is generally a complicated balance to attain through the mixed factors which ranges from consistency in communication and content accuracy of transparent and commitment. Since the digital media is evolving with huge impact, simultaneously the opportunities and challenges also associated with accuracy. To analyse the ascendant cues of digital media indicators, researcher was applied Main model and data was processed using SPSS software and AMOS. To analyse the data, researcher used Correlation, Regression and SEM. The study reveals that trustworthiness is completely depends upon the information source to the audience perception. End-users’ credibility differs from areas wise like urban to rural due to the affordance factors.