Ensuring Quality in Teacher Education

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Gopal Singh


Everyone needs education. Within 10 years of India's establishment, the constitution required free, obligatory education for children. fourteen Parliament authorized primary school. Many nations need 10 years of schooling. 300 million Students. 200 million children require elementary and secondary education. International pre-k State budgetary constraints make it hard. We've underfunded on this and education. Uncompleted national transformation tool. School improvements need funds. A school's teaching structure. Physical Infrastructure consists of schools. Learning Resources, books, instructional tools, as well as credible teachers. Instructors needed to teach 300 million children, as a rule. One teacher for 30 kids is assumed. This pace would require 10 million teachers. 1 million teachers now. So 5 million instructors must teach GE. In the 21st, quality has become a defining factor of education. Information and communication revolutions, knowledge economy, as well as globalization influence, changes observed. To improve quality of education at all levels, the Indian government has focused on higher education and teacher education. Developing nations are focused on delivering inexpensive quality education to large numbers. Quality makes education socially as well as individually important. Thus, establish performance education. Every higher education system, including education, should strive for quality and excellence. All institutions of higher learning want a high level of quality.

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How to Cite
Singh, G. (2024). Ensuring Quality in Teacher Education. European Economic Letters (EEL), 14(2), 729–736. Retrieved from https://www.eelet.org.uk/index.php/journal/article/view/1395