Learners’ Diversity in EFL Classrooms: A Study with Reference to Online Classes

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Sonal Sharma


Diversity in the classroom refers to the inclusion of students from different gender, cultural background, diverse learning styles, and socioeconomic status. Diversity interrupts the learning process and affects the way the students learn. This raises the need for the EFL teachers to use diverse teaching pedagogies to provide their students a relevant, multifaceted, wide-ranging, and flexible instruction that benefits all types of learners, irrespective of their cognitive abilities, gender, socio-economic status, etc. Thus, the objective of this research is to understand the effectiveness of online forums in addressing some of the challenges faced by students learning English as a foreign language. ESL learners, belonging to miscellaneous contexts conveyed their idea of participation in the online forums and shared their experiences during the online platforms. The Data in this paper is collected from the interviews of selected learners of focused groups. In the end, this paper will share some of the findings of a study on students’ reactions to online classes along with discussing several positive efforts made by both instructors and learners both.

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How to Cite
Sonal Sharma. (2024). Learners’ Diversity in EFL Classrooms: A Study with Reference to Online Classes. European Economic Letters (EEL), 14(2), 2264–2270. https://doi.org/10.52783/eel.v14i2.1564