Building Blocks of Wellness: Kerala’s Healthcare Infrastructure Developments and its Role in the Kerala Model

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Radeena. D.N, Sanathanan Velluva


This paper examines the development of health infrastructure in Kerala, India, and its role in the state's remarkable healthcare achievements. Kerala boasts a unique blend of allopathic, Ayurvedic, and homeopathic medical practices, offering residents a broad spectrum of healthcare options. Since its formation, the state has prioritised healthcare spending, resulting in an extensive network of hospitals, medical colleges, and well-trained personnel. This robust infrastructure, coupled with a focus on preventive care and accessibility, has significantly improved Kerala's health outcomes. However, challenges remain, including the unequal distribution of resources across districts. Despite these issues, Kerala's healthcare model serves as an inspiration for other developing regions seeking to improve population health.

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How to Cite
Radeena. D.N, Sanathanan Velluva. (2020). Building Blocks of Wellness: Kerala’s Healthcare Infrastructure Developments and its Role in the Kerala Model. European Economic Letters (EEL), 10(1). Retrieved from