Comparing Consumer Preferences: Offline Shopping Versus Online Shopping

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G.Sankararaman, S.Suresh, P.G.Thirumagal


With an advent of multiple channels ranging from e commerce to mobile commerce in the digital era, today’s consumers have a wide array of channels to choose for shopping. Increasing competition among physical and online shopping channels have incited  consumers to buy from more channels whereas the buying. With this interesting background, the researchers have motivated to undertake this topic on consumer preferences among offline and online shopping. This study has adopted descriptive research design. 250 samples have collected by the researchers. Descriptive and inferential statistics have applied to the data collected. It was found from the study that many respondents have preferred with the online shopping comparatively with the offline shopping.

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How to Cite
G.Sankararaman, S.Suresh, P.G.Thirumagal. (2024). Comparing Consumer Preferences: Offline Shopping Versus Online Shopping. European Economic Letters (EEL), 14(2), 2476–2481. Retrieved from