“Reforming Urban Commute with Shared E-Scooters: A Study on Bangalore Urban Market”

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Sushma N, Biplab Sarkar, Lasya KR


Urbanization is increasing in leaps and bounds as these promising places are turning to be hubs for commerce, opportunities, and innovation. Growing urban cities demand better planning and innovative methods to help people commute better. Shared e-scooters are considered as a viable solution in various countries as a solution to the traffic woes. In this context we tried to gain answers to the research questions:1. What are the various factors which influence the adoption of shared e-scooters in Bangalore urban market? 2.                Which of these factors have a major influence on the adoption behaviour of the Bangalore urban people? 3. What are the key demographic traits of individuals using shared e-scooters in Bangalore? The study also identifies the various research gap identified by the authors, which can prompt further research. Jamovi 2.3.28 has been used for statistical analysis. Effort has been made to understand and list out the factors that can influence the diffusion of shared e-scooters in the Bangalore urban market.

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How to Cite
Sushma N, Biplab Sarkar, Lasya KR. (2024). “Reforming Urban Commute with Shared E-Scooters: A Study on Bangalore Urban Market”. European Economic Letters (EEL), 14(1s), 294–310. https://doi.org/10.52783/eel.v14i1s.1675