Entrepreneurial Opportunities in the Circular Economy: Defining Business Concepts for Closed-Loop Systems and Resource Efficiency

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Santhosh Palavesh


This research paper explores the possibilities of entrepreneurship in the circular economy, within particular views on closed-loop economy and resource management. The study aims to discover essential business ideas, issues, and performance drivers for circular economy initiatives; thus, the analysis is based on the literature review, conceptualization, and three case studies. Employing a qualitative approach, the research analyses three distinct sectors: they included circular fashion, management of electronic and electrical waste and sustainable agriculture. The study shows that circular entrepreneurship emerges in the development of new technologies, policies, and consumer behaviours. In the paper’s final section, reflective and actionable points for entrepreneurs are drawn based on scaling circular strategies, identifying niches, and the formation of strategic partnerships. Thus, due to the intention of giving a large-scale comprehension of the analysed subject, this study is aimed at supporting the entrepreneurs in their choice of the circular economy by presenting the large-scale potential of sustainable business, as well as the barriers in its implementation.

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How to Cite
Santhosh Palavesh. (2022). Entrepreneurial Opportunities in the Circular Economy: Defining Business Concepts for Closed-Loop Systems and Resource Efficiency. European Economic Letters (EEL), 12(2), 189–204. https://doi.org/10.52783/eel.v12i2.1785