Impact of Entrepreneurial Orientation on SME Performance: The Mediating Role of Innovation

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Radha Thangarajan, Prabhakaran J, Hemanth Kumar S, Sasmita Panda, Rathish G


Small and Medium Enterprises places very important role in developing an economy. Businesses that are more inventive will be better able to adapt to changing surroundings and create new capabilities that will improve their performance. In order to address such issues, the paper is structured to examine the theoretical background and, based upon extant literature, proposed a theoretical model where firm performance is seen as an outcome. Various factors have been used to determine the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance by past studies. The entrepreneurial factors include Innovativeness, Risk taking and Proactiveness. In this research, a contribution to the literature is made on entrepreneurial orientation and company performance. And in the study a mediating variable Innovation is introduced between entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance and to assess their relationship.

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How to Cite
Radha Thangarajan, Prabhakaran J, Hemanth Kumar S, Sasmita Panda, Rathish G. (2024). Impact of Entrepreneurial Orientation on SME Performance: The Mediating Role of Innovation. European Economic Letters (EEL), 14(4), 1029–1034.