Navigating Airport Privatization: The Critical Role of Resources

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Mohit Rishi, Prasoom Dwivedi


Airports are vital infrastructure assets, serving as key hubs for transportation and commerce while significantly contributing to economic and strategic development. Airport privatization, involving various models from full operational transfers to partial ownership restructuring, redistributes governmental rights and responsibilities to private entities, sparking considerable academic and professional interest. This study examines the critical role of resources—both tangible, such as infrastructure and financial investments, and intangible, including managerial expertise and stakeholder relationships—in shaping airport performance and resilience. By analyzing the interplay between these resources, the research highlights their profound impact on operational efficiency, adaptability, and strategic growth, particularly under privatized frameworks. The findings offer valuable insights for optimizing resource utilization to achieve sustainable development and competitiveness in the aviation sector.

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How to Cite
Mohit Rishi, Prasoom Dwivedi. (2024). Navigating Airport Privatization: The Critical Role of Resources. European Economic Letters (EEL), 14(4), 1085–1098.