A Study of Customer Satisfaction due to the Digitalization During Covid-19 Period in the Banking Sector

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Poonam Sharma, Kapil Khatter


Digital banking refers to the automation of traditional banking services. It allows customers to access banking services via electronic or online platforms. Essentially, digital banking involves digitizing all banking operations and replacing a bank's physical presence with a continuous online presence, thereby eliminating the need for customers to visit a branch. The results of the literature review primarily draw from previous studies, reports, and data on the impact of digitalization on Indian banks. Thus, there was a need to validate these findings to substantiate the level of customer satisfaction and revenue generation in the banking sector due to digitalization during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This chapter proposes to validate the findings specifically concerning the impact of digitalization on the banking sector during the COVID-19 period. It provides detailed insights into the basic status of the banking sector due to digitalization during this time. Additionally, this chapter analyzes major factors affecting customer satisfaction and revenue generation in the banking sector due to digitalization during the COVID-19 pandemic. Various statistical tools and techniques were employed for data analysis in this chapter.

According to the research methodology, responses were collected from various parts of India, resulting in completed and usable responses. Additional details related to the survey responses are presented in this chapter. Some responses were not included in the analysis due to incomplete questionnaire entries. Additionally, some respondents declined to participate in the survey for reasons cited in the non-response slip, including the non-relevance of the research topic, lack of interest, lack of time, lack of experience, and objections to specific questions in the questionnaire. Data analysis was performed using tools such as SPSS (IBM® SPSS® Statistics), Mini-tab statistical software, and Microsoft Excel. The results were primarily based on frequency analysis, descriptive statistics, and correlation analysis. While inferential statistics were not excluded from the analysis, they were used at various points to statistically identify and validate the degree of correlation or association between different variables.

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How to Cite
Poonam Sharma, Kapil Khatter. (2024). A Study of Customer Satisfaction due to the Digitalization During Covid-19 Period in the Banking Sector. European Economic Letters (EEL), 14(4), 1417–1428. https://doi.org/10.52783/eel.v14i4.2273