How Online Sales Promotions affect Consumer Choices: The Case of Amazon India

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Ajay B. Jamnani, Jyoti Jamnani, Basavaraj Kumasi


This study aims to assess the impact of online sales promotion strategies employed by Amazon India, a major online retailer in the country. The promotional tactics ex- plored included email marketing, eWOM, customer recommendations, product reviews, discounts, cashback offers, loyalty programs, and contests. Online shoppers often face difficulties in evaluating these promotions and making informed purchasing decisions. A quantitative research approach was adopted, utilizing a structured questionnaire with Likert-scale responses to gather data from online consumers. The research model was constructed and analyzed using the PLS-SEM method. The study identifies two critical constructs that shape consumer shopping experiences, offering key insights into the promotional strategies used by Amazon India.

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How to Cite
Ajay B. Jamnani, Jyoti Jamnani, Basavaraj Kumasi. (2024). How Online Sales Promotions affect Consumer Choices: The Case of Amazon India. European Economic Letters (EEL), 14(4), 1429–1438. Retrieved from