Understanding the Impact of Agricultural Extension Services in Algeria: A Comparative Study of Ouargla, Béjaia, and Relizane

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Amine Tlemsani, Mahmoud Brahim, Sidali Ramdane, Karima Aoues


Agriculture is more thanjust a means of sustenance; it serves as a vital lifeline for manycommunitiesacross Algeria. This studydelvesinto the criticalrole agricultural extension services play in enhancingproductivity and preservingecosystems, particularlywithin the regions of Ouargla, Béjaia, and Relizane. These areas eachpresent unique challenges and opportunities for farmersstriving to adapt to modern agricultural demands.

Utilizing a mixed-methodsapproach, data werecollectedfrom 900 farmers and agricultural extension agents throughsurveys and interviews. The findingsrevealstrikingdisparities in educationallevelsamongfarmers, withapproximately 74% indicatingloweducation, whichsignificantlylimitstheir engagement with extension services. Despite the hurdles, thosewhoactivelyparticipate in extension programs demonstrateimprovedfarming practices and heightenedecologicalconsciousness, leading to enhancedproductivity and betterresource management.

To address the barriers to participation, the studyemphasizes the need for tailored training programs thatresonatewith the unique contexts of farmers. By investing in these services, Algeria can cultivate a more sustainable agricultural future thatbenefitsbothitsfarmingcommunities and the environment.

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How to Cite
Amine Tlemsani, Mahmoud Brahim, Sidali Ramdane, Karima Aoues. (2024). Understanding the Impact of Agricultural Extension Services in Algeria: A Comparative Study of Ouargla, Béjaia, and Relizane. European Economic Letters (EEL), 14(4), 1446–1452. Retrieved from https://www.eelet.org.uk/index.php/journal/article/view/2276