Moonlighting- HR Policy and Practices and its Impact on Economy

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Prasad Pathak, Deepali Shahane, Saurabh Vilas Kane


In the organization, there is dissatisfaction with the salary. Employees believe that the company's profits are excessive and that the employer has lost morale. Working with employees suffers as a result of HR management. Moonlighting usually has negative impact on hiring managers. Moonlighting is the practice of working in second job beside of normal working hour. The employee may works a regular 9-5 job as their sources of incomes, but works at nights at another  job to supplement their income. We discuss the relationship between moonlighting and job satisfaction and Payments.   Peoples with limited incomes at their main job may find that additional income source from side jobs is an important way of their financial security. According to a survey, 47% of respondents believe that moonlighting should be permitted when it does not violate his employer's data confidentiality or create a conflict of the interest.

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How to Cite
Prasad Pathak, Deepali Shahane, Saurabh Vilas Kane. (2022). Moonlighting- HR Policy and Practices and its Impact on Economy. European Economic Letters (EEL), 12(2), 135–142.