Decoding the Framework for Managing Human Resources in the Digital Era: A Conceptual Analysis

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Abdal Ahmed, Vaishali Gaur, Akanksha Pal, Sumera, Shama Nargis


In academic discourse, digital human resource management and related terms like digitalization, disruption, and transformation of HRM are becoming more and more prominent. However, these concepts are often used implicitly, with heterogeneity and proliferation. Consequently, there is a lack of conceptual clarity in research regarding these concepts. By offering a conceptual explanation of digital human resource management and associated ideas, this article seeks to close this conceptual gap. Based on extant research on digital companies, the paper creates a nomenclature and classification system for digital HRM. Establishing a core understanding, the terminology provides clear and succinct descriptions of the concepts and their links. The typology offers perfect examples that categorize and arrange phenomena related to digital HRM in an organized manner, improving the body of knowledge in this field. This article clarifies the notion of digital human resource management and its related topics by utilizing the vocabulary and typology. It presents a conceptual foundation for further research in this area and portrays digital human resource management as an evolutionary development of earlier conceptualizations of technology-based human resource management.

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How to Cite
Abdal Ahmed. (2024). Decoding the Framework for Managing Human Resources in the Digital Era: A Conceptual Analysis. European Economic Letters (EEL), 14(4), 1673–1681.