Green Marketing Practices in India: Major Initiatives by Business Organizations and Government – A Critical Analysis

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Shekhar Srivastava, Mohammed Sadaf Ahmed


The term “Green Marketing” describes the strategy of promoting and selling goods and services because of their positive impact on the natural world. There is much talk about green marketing everywhere, Business Management is no exception in general and marketing management in particular. Though numerous green marketing studies have been conducted globally but there hasn’t been much academic research on critical evaluation with reference to the initiatives taken by Business organizations and Government of India. This has become the mantra for marketers to satisfy the needs of the consumers and earn profits but the main issue is how the green marketing practices can be helpful in this process. This paper deals with understanding the concept of Green Marketing, opportunities in context to Green Marketing in present scenario, major initiatives taken by various business organizations and Government of India and finally the critical evaluation of green marketing practices. Paper concludes on the note that green marketing will continuously grow in both practice and demand in the near future ahead.

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How to Cite
Shekhar Srivastava, Mohammed Sadaf Ahmed. (2024). Green Marketing Practices in India: Major Initiatives by Business Organizations and Government – A Critical Analysis. European Economic Letters (EEL), 14(4), 1871–1880.