Mitigating Risky Hiring Practices: Hr Perspectives from the Delivery Service Industry

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Chithra N, Gururaj B Urs, Kiran Kumar Thoti, Aravinda Reddy M.N


Ensuring that individuals employed fulfil the organization's requirements or qualities is a fundamental aspect of human resource management. Along with boosting morale and productivity, new hires should be able to bring in more money for the company. This, however, can only come to fruition if the HR department thoroughly reviews the hiring procedure prior to any interviews taking place. The organization is inviting danger with any move that disregards this detail. Among these is the failure to properly investigate a candidate's criminal history. The candidate's potential recidivism from a prior conviction is a source of concern. In such a scenario, the business is likely to incur substantial losses because of consumer litigation. This is since the company was seen as careless when it came to employing staff, namely on the lack of thorough background checks. This article was published on 24th June 2023 in the article of Malaysia Gazetee (sprout your mind) on the title as human resource efficiency overcomes risky hiring negligence (URL link: ), seeks to dissect the degree to which an employer is culpable for an employee's crime, given that the employer may have conducted a thorough investigation and may even have a propensity to provide a second chance to an employee with a criminal record. The article was discussing various possible solutions to overcome from human resources efficiency in operating the business in Skynet worldwide express located in Malaysia.

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How to Cite
Chithra N, Gururaj B Urs, Kiran Kumar Thoti, Aravinda Reddy M.N. (2024). Mitigating Risky Hiring Practices: Hr Perspectives from the Delivery Service Industry. European Economic Letters (EEL), 14(4), 1896–1904. Retrieved from