Impact of motivational factors on women entrepreneurs

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N.M.Vitaleswara Rao, E Kavitha, K.V.Sridhar


This study has been undertaken to explore the motivational factors and different reasons for choosing particular  business types by women entrepreneurs fromthe perspectives of different socio-demographic dimensions of women’s entrepreneurial life. Women entrepreneurs are a diverse segment going to different age groups and demographic backgrounds. They are also confronted with various gender-specific and gender-neutral challenges during the courseof establishing and operating their ventures. Nowadays it has been appreciated that enterprising women have troupe entrepreneurial aptitudes which could be bound so as to convert them from the position of Job seekers to Job givers. The government has realized the importance of women’s entrepreneurship. As a result, it offers a variety of programs for women entrepreneurs.

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How to Cite
N.M.Vitaleswara Rao, E Kavitha, K.V.Sridhar. (2024). Impact of motivational factors on women entrepreneurs. European Economic Letters (EEL), 14(4), 1953–1957.