Environmental Management in India's Upstream Oil and Gas Sector: A Comprehensive Impact Assessment

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Anju Pandey, G. N. Sinha


The upstream oil and gas sector in India has seen substantial growth in recent years, raising concerns about its environmental impact. The expansion of oil and gas operations has led to environmental degradation, including air and water pollution, soil contamination, and disruption of local ecosystems. Understanding the extent of these environmental challenges is crucial to assess the damage caused by these activities. While there are existing environmental laws, regulations, and policies for the upstream sector, ensuring compliance remains critical. This study aims to identify gaps or areas of non-compliance in environmental management. Additionally, the adoption and effectiveness of various mitigation measures and technologies will be explored to reduce the environmental footprint of these operations. As India seeks to balance economic growth with environmental sustainability, this research will examine the long-term impact of environmental management practices and their contribution to a sustainable future.

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How to Cite
Anju Pandey. (2024). Environmental Management in India’s Upstream Oil and Gas Sector: A Comprehensive Impact Assessment. European Economic Letters (EEL), 14(4), 2192–2200. https://doi.org/10.52783/eel.v14i4.2426