Workers Health and Safety in the Textile Industries in Delhi

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Raman Batra, Amit Yadav, Imran Ali, Salahuddin


India's textile industry is essential to the country's economy, employing a large number of people in both rural and urban locations. The purpose of this article is to look at the health or safety of textile employees in Delhi City. A sample of the 180 employees from Delhi's designated textile businesses was tested for their overall physique, muscular tone, lung health, and vision. The study's goal is to provide a framework for analyzing the hazards that textile employees face as a result of a lack of health or safety requirements in the workplace. Results indicated that the majority of the employees were afflicted by respiratory difficulties, increased muscular tone, visual problems, and musculoskeletal disorders. It's also been shown that job security and regular work has a good influence on a laborer's long-term physical health. However, steps in compliance with the Indian Factories Act, which comprises directives but also procedures for industrial facilities, work environments, and work health & safety norms, must be adopted and implemented immediately. This research will be useful in the future for understanding employees' concerns in the textile sector while they are at work.

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How to Cite
Raman Batra, Amit Yadav, Imran Ali, Salahuddin. (2020). Workers Health and Safety in the Textile Industries in Delhi. European Economic Letters (EEL), 10(1). Retrieved from