Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) Is used by Trash Workers at the Sisdol Dumpsite in Uttar Pradesh

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Amit Yadav, Narendra Sahai, Imran Ali, Sonia Munjal


Ghazipur generates the most solid waste, making solid waste management a critical concern in Uttar Pradesh. After being retrieved, Ghazipur's solid waste is carried to the Sisdol dumpsite. Rubbish workers at the Sisdol garbage site make a living by collecting recyclables from the waste. To protect frontline trash workers from infection, personal protective equipment (PPE) is required. Furthermore, trash workers must understand how to use personal protective -equipment (PPE) to avoid contamination. The goal of this study was to determine waste workers' awareness of proper personal protection equipment (PPE) is used, as well as the challenges they face at the Sisdol landfill.  To collect the data from Sisdol landfill waste personnel, a description cross-sectional research was conducted. Because landfill garbage employees were available on that day and willing to participate, a convenience sample strategy was adopted. The information was gathered through a standardized questionnaire and personal interviews with available garbage employees.

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How to Cite
Amit Yadav, Narendra Sahai, Imran Ali, Sonia Munjal. (2022). Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) Is used by Trash Workers at the Sisdol Dumpsite in Uttar Pradesh. European Economic Letters (EEL), 12(1). Retrieved from