Blueprint of Infusing Intention to Purchase in Online Consumers

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Amit Kumar Bhanja, P. C. Tripathy


Marketing in E-commerce is an ever evolving area. One of the most significant changes in the last decade in the business environment has been shaped by the development of information technologies and the internet. The internal structure and organization of companies has changed to evolve towards a digital environment influenced by internet business models and digital marketing techniques. This paper is developed through a systematic and extant literature review with the objective of identifying the key influencing factors magnifying the scene in the electronic business environment. The results of the research identify and define the main promotional factors and studies the effect of the supporting factors of the electronic commerce arena.

This research proposes a conceptual model on different promotional strategies and the mediating role of electronic word-of-mouse, scarcity cues, and online customer reviews on customer purchase intention. The integrated model on promotional strategies and other influencing factors that are extensively used by e-commerce businesses to improve marketing effectiveness is proposed in this paper. The proposed model would assist businesses in concentrating on important promotional components and ranking influencing factors that would cement their position in consumers' minds.

It is fascinating to note that by leveraging the effective showcasing of their product offerings, marketers can profit greatly. When marketing goods on the E-commerce platform in India, more stress and focus can be placed through this model on how the impact of promotional strategies on the marketing effectiveness can be further deepened.

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How to Cite
Amit Kumar Bhanja, P. C. Tripathy. (2023). Blueprint of Infusing Intention to Purchase in Online Consumers . European Economic Letters (EEL), 13(3), 410–416. Retrieved from