Navigating the Digital Divide: Integrating Industry 4.0 Technologies in Modern Management Practices

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Prof. Athar Javed Ali, Dr. Amishi Arora, Dr. Janvi Rathi


As Industry 4.0 continues to shape the global industrial landscape, the integration of advanced technologies into modern management practices becomes crucial for sustainable growth and competitive advantage. This research paper explores the challenges and opportunities associated with adopting Industry 4.0 technologies in management, emphasizing the need for a seamless digital transformation. Through a comprehensive literature review, case studies, and expert insights, the paper sheds light on innovative strategies for harnessing the power of Industry 4.0 to optimize decision-making, foster collaboration, and drive organizational success. By examining the evolving role of leaders, the impact on corporate culture and the potential for disruptive innovation, this study aims to offer a roadmap for effectively navigating the digital divide in the context of management and Industry 4.0.


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How to Cite
Prof. Athar Javed Ali, Dr. Amishi Arora, Dr. Janvi Rathi. (2023). Navigating the Digital Divide: Integrating Industry 4.0 Technologies in Modern Management Practices. European Economic Letters (EEL), 13(4), 53–60. Retrieved from