A Detailed Study of NPA of Home Loans with Reference to Causes and Recovery Model

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Dr. Ramesh Kumar, Shikha Gupta, Shohba Tripathi


As NPA is a Global problem and all countries over the world are suffering with this evil. NPA is everywhere either the country is developed, under developed or undeveloped. Second important issue is that NPA is pervasive in all types of loans either that is home loan, corporate loan or personal loan. The area of present study is confined to Haryana state, with main objective of study of home loans and their NPAs of commercial banks in Haryana. Now the problem of NPA has become a challenging issue and it may be a cause of failure of a bank. In the year 2018-19 PNB bank had the GNPA ration 18.36%. Now from 15.7% to 2.36% and again 18.36% is very serious and challenging issue for banks but for whole economy. One more reason which motivated the researcher to select this topic for study is the presence of NPA problem at global level. The study is primary data based and examines the trend of home loans and NPA of home loans. Primary data was collected through questionnaire method from the bankers and home loan borrowers. For making problem more clear secondary data of home loans and its NPA also collected from the websites of banks and Reserve Bank of India. The last but not least research through the opinion of bankers and home loan borrowers tried to identified some important suggestions which will help the bankers to minimize the home loans as well other NPAs.

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How to Cite
Dr. Ramesh Kumar, Shikha Gupta, Shohba Tripathi. (2023). A Detailed Study of NPA of Home Loans with Reference to Causes and Recovery Model. European Economic Letters (EEL), 13(4), 111–120. Retrieved from https://www.eelet.org.uk/index.php/journal/article/view/533