Measuring the Effectiveness of Capital Structure on Firm Performance: A Comparative Analysis

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Sunil M. Rashinkar, Suchita Shukla, Veda D. Malagatti, Mohd Aarif, Samira Khan


The research serves as a striking example of how capital structure affects firm performance. In the research, a comparison of the capital structures of small, Samira khan medium, and large-sized organisations is made. A brief backdrop for the research issue that highlights the impact of capital investment on small, medium, and large-sized businesses is highlighted in addition to this context. Archival articles are used in the research to gather a vast amount of pertinent data. This article also provides a thematic analysis of the informational data that was gathered. In order to fully understand the research topic, this article also discusses the Pecking Order Theory of Finance.

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How to Cite
Mohd Aarif, Samira Khan, S. M. R. S. S. V. D. M. (2023). Measuring the Effectiveness of Capital Structure on Firm Performance: A Comparative Analysis. European Economic Letters (EEL), 13(4), 121–134. Retrieved from