Higher Education Students’ Propensity to Embrace and Use New Technology Based Services: An Empirical Study

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Shubhangi Jore, Nidhi Asthana


Understanding and analysing the consumers with respect to their adoptability of technology – based services, the time and process through which these services are accepted and practiced is of much importance. There is need to understand all the drives and insights that may influence customers’ technology readiness. As the requirements of technology ready customers will ultimately affect the strategies that are implemented to develop new services. What people are thinking about new technology, their beliefs about the same and advancement in the technology is need of the hour. It has become very important to analyse people’s belief about technology so that further their predispositions to use it and prediction of their perception can be identified and analysed. In recent years the advancement in the Indian technology sector in terms of smartphones and laptops is seeing tremendous competitiveness, growth, efficiency, profitability and soundness. By comparing the technology readiness of some of the widely used electronic gadgets such as smartphones and laptops, we can find out how fast people are accepting new technology. The purpose of this paper is to test the validity of Technology Readiness Index (TRI) (Parasuraman, 2000) with respect to management students in Indore city. Present study is an attempt to identify the factors that affect adoption of technology-based services amongst higher education students. To explore whether there is any significant classification of higher education students with respected to the factors affecting adoption of technology-based services. The study also aims at exploring how demographics variables may help to explain adoption and use of technology-based products and services. A sample of size 200 respondents was collected though non- probabilistic convenient sampling using the standard scale on Technology Readiness Index (Parasuraman, 2000). Multivariate data analysis techniques were applied to analyse the data. The results support the TRI validity in Indore city. The study also suggests that demographic variables play an important role in predicting pro-technological behaviour in the city. This will enable both businesses and government to develop strategies for new services based on advanced technology.

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How to Cite
Shubhangi Jore, Nidhi Asthana. (2023). Higher Education Students’ Propensity to Embrace and Use New Technology Based Services: An Empirical Study. European Economic Letters (EEL), 13(4), 152–168. Retrieved from https://www.eelet.org.uk/index.php/journal/article/view/542