A Relationship Between Economic Growth and Income Inequality: Contributes to Both Micro and Macroeconomics

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Urvee Tulsyan, T. Venkataiah, Debmalya Dutta, Sharmila Maulik Patel, Sunil Kumar Das, Sourav Kumar Roy


Income inequality has emerged as a critical issue in the realm of economics, affecting both micro and macro levels of analysis. The paper has explored the “relationship between economic growth and income inequality”, aiming to shed light on their interplay, contribute to the existing body of knowledge, and identify avenues for future research. The research methodology employed involves qualitative secondary data analysis, drawing insights from various sources such as academic studies, reports, and statistical data. By examining the research gap in the literature, this study aims to provide a complete overview of the current understanding of the topic. The findings highlight the complex nature of the relationship, indicating both positive and negative impacts of income inequality on economic growth and vice-versa at different levels of analysis. The abstract concludes with a discussion on future research directions, emphasizing the importance of further exploration to develop effective policy measures and promote more inclusive and sustainable economic growth.

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How to Cite
Urvee Tulsyan, T. Venkataiah, Debmalya Dutta, Sharmila Maulik Patel, Sunil Kumar Das, Sourav Kumar Roy. (2023). A Relationship Between Economic Growth and Income Inequality: Contributes to Both Micro and Macroeconomics. European Economic Letters (EEL), 13(4), 169–173. Retrieved from https://www.eelet.org.uk/index.php/journal/article/view/543