A Study on Demand and Supply side forces of Global Space Economy and its various determinants.

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Gaganpreet Kaur Ahluwalia, Vidya Nakhate, Dhirendra Kumar, Ragini S. Bhat, Samrat Ray


Purpose: The Space sector and space economy continues to be the new and emerging sector which has attracted attentions of all the countries and institutions. There has been lot of initiatives both by private space agencies and public funded agencies in order to understand the wide horizon of the sector as well as its functioning. However, still lot of things remains unexplored about this sector and the size of its economy. The author in this chapter investigates the various dimensions of space economy, its economic forces of demand and supply, the various sectors it influences and various initiatives taken by countries in order to explore the sector.

Design/Methodology/Approach: The Research design selected for the study is exploratory as the researchers have just begin to investigate about the topic and wish to understand the different dimensions of global space economy. There are very few research works being conducted on the topic and still many things remain unexplored.

Limitations/Implications: The limitation of the study is that the researchers have studied the subject of space economy considering only the selected dimensions. The space sector in itself is in a state of continuous exploration and thus the researcher’s viewpoint and observations during the period of study and findings thereafter may vary. It may happen that many subsectors and variables which will impact the space sector and its economy may not be touched by the researcher because these areas of space are at its nascent stage of exploration.

Originality/Value: First and foremost is that there are only few research papers based on the subject of study. The existing literature and research papers have only considered limited dimensions of the subject. Besides there are only few research papers which have done a comparative analysis of initiatives taken by countries, try to understand the size of economy and various sectors which directly or indirectly becomes influences space economy. Thus the researchers will try to assess the economic size and different economic variables which become part of larger space economy.

Type of Research Paper: Conceptual Paper

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How to Cite
Gaganpreet Kaur Ahluwalia, Vidya Nakhate, Dhirendra Kumar, Ragini S. Bhat, Samrat Ray. (2023). A Study on Demand and Supply side forces of Global Space Economy and its various determinants. European Economic Letters (EEL), 13(4), 174–186. Retrieved from https://www.eelet.org.uk/index.php/journal/article/view/557