Creativity in Professional Social Work Supervision

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Andreana Dibben


Through this explorative study, I sought you obtain a higher information of ways creativity is perceived via way of means of supervisors and supervisees, what cost is hooked up to it, how it's far utilised withinside the supervision system, what facilitates and hinders its use and what effect it is able to have at the career of social work. Grounded idea become used to examine eight (8) audiotapes of supervision sessions, eight (8) taped interviews and eight (8) taped discussions with sixteen (16) collaborating supervisors and supervisees from exceptional businesses in Malta. Findings portrayed creativity in supervision as a budding idea. There become a standard popularity that creativity can beautify supervision. Respondents described creativity as being an detail which can assist gain new perspectives, beautify the problem-fixing system and useful resource functional reflection. Its applicability in supervision become acknowledged each thru the usage of strategies and additionally thru a innovative technique that a manager consciously adopts. It become similarly acknowledged that there wishes to exist the proper situations for its applicability including information of creativity, a conducive surroundings and a fine supervisory courting in addition to innovative permission allowed via way of means of enterprises thru their philosophy, shape and policies. Despite its perceived benefits, it become mentioned that the usage of creativity is peripheral in supervision.
The essential motives for this have been referred to as being the dearth of familiarity with the idea of creativity in supervision, a lack of situations that beautify its use and / or a presence of situations that avert it. These findings will optimistically end up a step closer to ameliorating the supervision system withinside the career of social work.

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How to Cite
Andreana Dibben. (2018). Creativity in Professional Social Work Supervision. European Economic Letters (EEL), 8(1).