Analysing Information Technology Industry Expectations On Expected Skills From Engineering Graduates To Gain Employability

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Avinash Sudhakar Kajale, Ajim Shaikh


Information Technology industry in India has large dependency to recruit engineering graduates to cope up with their business needs. After a 4-year engineering degree program, the students are expected to be job ready. With growing competition and industry expectations, it has led students’ anxiety and failure in acquiring a job. While industry is struggling to recruit skilled engineering graduates; students are finding it difficult to get employment. The study analyses the importance of skills that industry requires which students need to be aware of to improve their employability. The study has addressed the apparent gap between academic programs for engineering students and industry skills expectations. The results of the present study were found with the help of the self-build questionnaire and the data was further analysed using statistical tools and techniques. Study reveals that training and skill development aligned with industry needs is necessary for engineering students to be employable.

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How to Cite
Avinash Sudhakar Kajale, Ajim Shaikh. (2023). Analysing Information Technology Industry Expectations On Expected Skills From Engineering Graduates To Gain Employability. European Economic Letters (EEL), 13(4), 404–414. Retrieved from