Impact of Cybernetics – E-Learning Will Play an Important Role in the Globalization of Education

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Arifa Parvin, Ayasha Akter Opy, Adeeb Ahnaf


‘Cyber’ related to culture of information technology which deals with information in the digital world virtually. The Internet has influenced the 21st century to produce significant results for education virtually. Through the Internet, the world's various information and communication facilities are made available through interconnected networks using protocols. E-learning has become a very important tool in the education system today. So newly designed e-learning supports administration and technology. Cybernetics is a science of communication like social media posts, cartoons and newsletters etc. and automatic control systems where the basic principle is regulations through control and feedback between both machines and living things.

E-learning has become one of most concerned paths to acquire expected knowledge through internet. Average people performed learning moderately well on instruction by online. It is very important to design a fruit full e-learning platform for teaching, learning, and administration. This paper proposes a new method to design an e-learning platform by combining based on cybernetics mechanism.

Here the concepts in cybernetics with respect to positive thinking which are explaining thinking skills that we should develop and practice to achieve optimum results in the process of e-learning and evaluation by introducing a new branch of science through control and feedback. The expansion of cybernetics which became the new ideal of control and operation for the various social fields of communication. Through this paper the desirable practices of Cybernetics is introduced based on the queries of e-learning are explaining to achieve optimum results.

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How to Cite
Arifa Parvin, Ayasha Akter Opy, Adeeb Ahnaf. (2023). Impact of Cybernetics – E-Learning Will Play an Important Role in the Globalization of Education. European Economic Letters (EEL), 13(4), 468–473. Retrieved from