Ayushman Bharat: A Comprehensive Review of India’s Landmark Publicly Funded Health Insurance Program
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In India, there are 26 United Nations organizations that operate and work in collaboration with the Indian government and other stakeholders to address a wide range of developmental and social challenges. The UN Country Team is led by the Resident Coordinator, who is the UN Secretary-official General's representative to the government and enlists the assistance and advice of the whole UN family to promote the UN's mission by seeking assistance and advice from various UN agencies(United Nations India, n.d.).
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Urvashi Khandal, R. G. R. H. (2023). Ayushman Bharat: A Comprehensive Review of India’s Landmark Publicly Funded Health Insurance Program. European Economic Letters (EEL), 13(4), 663–666. https://doi.org/10.52783/eel.v13i4.646