Technology Used in Influencing Young Customers’ Decision to Purchase Apartments in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

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Thanh Tien Nguyen


Technology is an essential trend in all business industries, not only small businesses but also large businesses, especially in real estate trading for younger customers. Technological factors are pointed out to help customers quickly identify legal issues, prices, the surrounding living environment, or the investor's image to make the best purchase decision. This research aims to assess the impact factors of technology on the decision to buy apartments in Ho Chi Minh City people, including (1) Convenience in technology, (2) Transparency in technology, (3) Choice flexibility in technology, and (4) Interaction in technology. From the survey results obtained by 300 people owning apartments in Ho Chi Minh City, the author also proposes some managerial implications to enhance real estate businesses companies in applying the technology in sales distribution more efficiently and profitably.

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How to Cite
Thanh Tien Nguyen. (2023). Technology Used in Influencing Young Customers’ Decision to Purchase Apartments in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. European Economic Letters (EEL), 13(4), 722–728. Retrieved from