Tourism Development in Associated with Environment at the Mekong River Delta of Vietnam: Part 2_Research Result

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Quang Hung LE, Linh Dang Nguyen, Phu Tu Nguyen


With study part 1 is to determine the Tourism development in associated with environment at the Mekong river Delta of Vietnam: Literature review, this study presents part 2, which is building a model, testing and proposing implications for improving the Tourism development in associated with environment at the Mekong river Delta of Vietnam. Research sample information was collected by convenience sample technique. Questionnaires will be distributed to 500 representatives of travel businesses, tourists, local authorities and residents. Data of 371 valid survey forms were analyzed by Cronbach's Alpha, EFA and PATH analysis in order to test hypotheses and build models of factors affecting the Tourism development in associated with environment. The results of the study show that factors such as (1) Tourism product, (2) Tourism human resources, (3) Accessibility, (4) Infrastructure, (5) Tourism resources, (6) Tourism environment and environmental protection, (7) Tourism management policy associated with environmental protection along with the (8) Tourism development (intermediate variable) have a positive influence on the Tourism development in associated with environment.

Further studies apply this research model to measure the impact of factors on the Tourism development in associated with enviroment as well as propose some managerial implications to help the local government leaders and tourism industry administrators have business policies and strategies as well as have more complete solutions for tourism management and tourism development associated with environmental protection.

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How to Cite
Quang Hung LE, Linh Dang Nguyen, Phu Tu Nguyen. (2023). Tourism Development in Associated with Environment at the Mekong River Delta of Vietnam: Part 2_Research Result. European Economic Letters (EEL), 13(4), 738–751. Retrieved from