Urban Greenspace: A Review of Place Image Approaches
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This study aims to explore greenspace place images through collective approaches to spatial settings and human association in the place. A scoping review is adopted for the method, and 100 peer-reviewed journal papers are used in the analysis. Eight types of greenspace – private garden, pocket park, community garden, neighborhood park, forest park, urban forest, unmanaged greenspace, and others – are categorized based on the ownership, size, location, volume of vegetation, and service facilities; four types of human association in the greenspace are attended with a psychological, physical, social, and environmental focus. Place image is applied with five level spectrum – place brand, place visual image, place reputation, sense of place, and place identity – according to the experience level in the place. It is found that psychological association and sense of place are the most attended research subjects in greenspace discussion. Conducting Phik (ϕk) correlation analysis proposes four sets of greenspace types – small-size greenspace, neighborhood park, forest park, and green corridor – as the inclusive spatial settings for future greenspace studies in the sense of place context.