What influences purchase intention and how influence strategy moderates response? A study of Urban Indian Teenagers

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Chirag Malik, Yukti Ahuja


Growing exposure of teenagers to consumerism has stirred marketers’ interest in the promising segment. This paper aims to bridge the gap with respect to understanding purchase behaviour and role of strategies teenagers use to influence parent response. It explores social and media dimensions influencing teenagers’ purchase intention, unfurling the role of influence strategy in getting perceived parents’ response. Subsequently, a conceptual model has been proposed and tested using confirmatory factor analysis and SEM. From a dataset of 620 teenagers, it has been found that teachers, peer, siblings and social media greatly influence teenager’s purchase intention. Influence strategy moderates the relationship between purchase intention and perceived parents’ response. Outcomes of the study will assist researchers and marketers to answer questions pertaining to their behaviour as consumers and to draw inferences about their preferences, and accurately predict their future choice behaviour.

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How to Cite
Chirag Malik, Yukti Ahuja. (2023). What influences purchase intention and how influence strategy moderates response? A study of Urban Indian Teenagers. European Economic Letters (EEL), 13(4), 987–1003. https://doi.org/10.52783/eel.v13i4.692