Social Entrepreneurship, Strategy, and the Quest for Impact: Embracing the Opportunity

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Nirupama Mohanty, Jayanta Kumar Parida, Sweta Leena Hota, Arya Kumar


Social entrepreneurship is becoming a global phenomenon and a promising research topic. Given the positive trajectory, social entrepreneurship studies must actively investigate ways to sustain and maximize growth. This edition sought articles on strategy and social entrepreneurship to provide a comprehensive guide for future academic work. The papers in this special issue are presented and integrated with this editorial. Three main themes emerge: the unique traits of the participants, the conflicting environmental factors, the diverse results of these efforts. A research agenda is created to build on the particular issue's insights and stimulate new strategies and social entrepreneurship scholarship. Social entrepreneurs are emerging as corporate executives endeavour to integrate social and environmental objectives into their business endeavours. The examination of how social entrepreneurs strategically manage the intricate relationship between the social and commercial aspects of their operations is essential for understanding their growth. This special edition advances knowledge in this field by studying how the conditions in which social entrepreneurs operate influence social and economic consequences. The above publications successfully integrate strategic principles, laying the groundwork for future research into social entrepreneurs' success. This study can also explain how, why, and how much these outcomes occur. In conclusion, this issue offers scholars, legislators, educators, and entrepreneur’s valuable perspectives. It advises on long-term social and environmental impact.

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How to Cite
Nirupama Mohanty, Jayanta Kumar Parida, Sweta Leena Hota, Arya Kumar. (2023). Social Entrepreneurship, Strategy, and the Quest for Impact: Embracing the Opportunity. European Economic Letters (EEL), 13(4), 1109–1123. Retrieved from