Merger and Acquisition’s Impact on Indian Economy

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Satya Prakash Sahoo, Saumya Neelu Jain, Minam Mausam, Dr. P. Amalanathan


This article attempts to examine M&A affect the Indian economy. M&A activity has increased in India, and officials, investors, and scholars are all interested in how it may affect the country's economy. The study will get started by reading up on M&A and its effects on the economy, paying particular attention to the Indian context. Investors, decision-makers in government, and members of the corporate sector will be interested in the study's findings. The results will assist policymakers in deciding on legislation and policies relating to M&A by giving them vital information about how M&A impacts the Indian economy. The study will also assist businesses to understand the possible risks and advantages of M&A activity by offering them insights into the process. In general, this study will add to the corpus of information on M&A and its effects on the Indian economy.

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How to Cite
Satya Prakash Sahoo, Saumya Neelu Jain, Minam Mausam, Dr. P. Amalanathan. (2023). Merger and Acquisition’s Impact on Indian Economy. European Economic Letters (EEL), 13(4), 1163–1172. Retrieved from